Sunday 22 January 2017

What is good

Micah 6:1–8

With what shall I come before the Lord?
With a shopping list of wants
and needs, promises and bargains to buy
God’s favour?

With what shall I come before the Lord?
With piety professed and on display, shows
of affection for the last, then retreat
into comfort to wash my hands?

With what shall I come before the Lord?
With guilty admissions of sins and scandals,
unable to forgive myself and others, and so
not believing God will truly forgive?

God has told you,
human one, what is
good and right and perfect.
What does God require of you?

live justly: in relationships
of mutual respect and honour

love with kindness: in relationships
of mutual care and encouragement

walk humbly with your God,
created creature much beloved,
giving love and honour to the Holy One

Know that you are indeed forgiven
your turning from what is
good and right and perfect:
and live once more in the grace
of God, who is
good and right and perfect.

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